How to dispose old mattress?






Like other types of waste, discarding used mattresses is not a very simple task. Consumers often use the same mattress for years and years.

But when they need to change it, they must take into account a number of factors before abandoning it anywhere. To ensure the sustainability of the planet and ecological disposal, it is necessary to dispose of mattresses correctly.

But how to do that? In this article, you’ll learn how to dispose of your used mattress, what are the ways to do it, and lots of other information.

So if you are part of the group of people who have doubts about the correct disposal of mattresses, this is the right post for you. Check it out.

What are mattresses made of?

The mattresses are mainly composed of polyurethane foam, although they also contain additional components such as spring wires (in spring mattresses) and fabrics in TNT for coating.

The average lifespan of a mattress varies from 5 to 10 years, depending on the type of material and the user’s care.

Using a mattress past its expiration date can cause health problems such as back pain and insomnia.

Before discarding a used mattress, it is important to know when is the right time to replace it, avoiding its use beyond the recommended time.

How do I know if it’s time to change my mattress?

To find out whether or not it’s time to change your mattress, just pay attention to some factors and questions. Here’s how to analyze your mattress:

1.General aspects and body aches:

First, thoroughly examine the mattress for stains and deformities. Do a careful check of your top and assess the physical condition of the mattress.

In addition, it is worth noting if after a night’s sleep there are pains in the body, if any, it is a bad sign. This is because a mattress that is in good condition does not cause bodily pain.

2.Put the mattress upright:

With that done, remove the mattress from the bed and place it upright and observe the results. If he can stand up for even 3 seconds, this indicates that his structure is intact.

However, it is worth mentioning that this test does not necessarily guarantee that the product is in good general condition, only that its structure does not present deformations.

3.Analyze stains and noises on the molejo:

If you have found stains, it is important to analyze them carefully. The yellowish spots can indicate the presence of body fat accumulated over the years.

While others can be the result of urine, food, drink, and so on. As for the spring noise test, just lie down and turn around.

If you don’t hear any sound, it means that the spring structure is still in good condition. However, if you hear noises, it could be a sign that it’s time to dispose of the used mattress.

How important is the correct disposal of mattresses?

Mattresses, which are made up of foam and fabric, can become prone to the proliferation of bacteria when exposed to wet or moldy surfaces.

Therefore, when disposed of improperly, they can spread these bacteria in the population. Also, due to its bulky size, there is a risk of clogging drains.

In addition to these concerns, it is essential to be aware of the legislation that prohibits the disposal of this type of product on public roads, subjecting violators to fines of up to R$15,000.00.

Therefore, it is imperative to be very careful when disposing of a used mattress.

How to dispose of your mattress in an ecological way?

After all the information offered throughout the article, it’s time to understand how to dispose of your mattress in an ecological way.

There are a number of ways, however, the most recommended among them is to dispose of them in ecopoints.

In São Paulo, there are around 102 Ecopoints available to dispose of used mattresses. The City Hall of São Paulo has a website where you can find the complete list of these points.

Mattresses in good condition are donated to needy institutions, while those that cannot be reused are transformed into pillow stuffing.

It is important to remember that there is a daily limit of 1m3 of material per person in Ecopoints.

If it is difficult to take the mattress to an Ecopoint, we recommend hiring a company specialized in Ecological Disposal.

Final considerations

In conclusion, disposing of used mattresses correctly is essential for environmental sustainability. You should change the mattress when it becomes deformed, stained or causes body pain after sleeping.

In addition, it is recommended that you donate mattresses in good condition or turn them into pillow stuffing at Ecopoints, such as those in São Paulo.

You must respect the daily discard limit. If you cannot use an Ecopoint, hire a company specialized in Ecological Disposal.

These guidelines promote a more sustainable cycle for used mattresses.


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How to Dispose of an Old Mattress

How to Dispose of an Old Mattress

You should know that it is not environmentally friendly to discard mattresses in vacant lots.

updated Monday September 04, 2023 (15:09)

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