How to make your own soap at home in a totally sustainable way






Today, concerns about the environment and sustainability are increasingly present in people’s lives.

One way to contribute to a more sustainable world is to produce our own cleaning products, such as soap at home.

In addition to being a more cost-effective option, making your own soap also allows you to avoid using harmful chemicals and unnecessary plastic packaging.

In this article, we will present you with a complete guide on how to make your own soap at home, in a completely sustainable way.

We’ll explore the natural and biodegradable ingredients you can use, the equipment you’ll need, and share a basic recipe to get you started.

You can make sustainable soap yourself

No need to be a chemical expert or have advanced soap making skills.

With a few simple ingredients and a little patience, you can create a soap that is toxic-free and beneficial for your skin and the environment.

So, if you’re ready to venture into making your own sustainable soap, read on and find out how easy and rewarding it is to make that change in your daily life.

Be prepared to be amazed by the results and become an advocate of conscious and ecological consumption.

Tutorial to make your own soap at home in a totally sustainable way

Making your own soap at home sustainably is a great way to reduce your use of chemicals and single-use plastics.

In addition, you can customize the recipe according to your preferences for fragrance and natural ingredients.

Follow this complete tutorial to learn how to make your own soap at home in a completely sustainable way.

Materials needed:

– Vegetable oils (such as olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, castor oil, etc.)

– Sodium hydroxide (also known as caustic soda)

– Distilled water

– Essential oils (optional)

– Natural dyes (optional)

– Silicone molds or glass containers

Step 1: Preparation

Before you start making the soap, make sure you are in a well-ventilated room. Wear rubber gloves and goggles to avoid any contact with the lye.

It is important to follow all safety precautions during the process.

Step 2: Weigh the ingredients

Weigh the vegetable oils according to the recipe you have chosen. Be sure to use an accurate scale to get the correct measurements.

Write down the amount of oil so that you can calculate the corresponding amount of lye needed.

Step 3: Dissolve the caustic soda

In a separate container, add distilled water and gradually pour in the caustic soda, stirring with a wooden spoon in circular motions.

Be careful when handling lye as it can be dangerous. Stay in a ventilated environment throughout preparation.

Step 4: Heat the oils

In a large pot, heat the vegetable oils over low heat. Make sure not to overheat the oils to prevent them from losing their beneficial properties.

Step 5: Mix the caustic soda with the oils

When the lye is completely dissolved in the water, add it to the heated oils, stirring constantly to combine the ingredients.

Make sure the temperature is below 50°C to avoid any violent reaction.

Step 6: Add essential oils and natural dyes

If you want to add fragrance or color to your soap, now is the time to do it. Add a few drops of essential oils and natural dyes to the mixture, stirring well to distribute them evenly.

Step 7: Pouring into molds

Pour the soap mixture into the molds or glass containers. Make sure they are clean and dry before using. Gently tap the mold on the surface to eliminate any air bubbles.

Step 8: Wait for the soap to harden

Let the soap sit at room temperature for at least 24 hours or until completely set. This can take up to a few weeks, depending on the recipe and the weather.

Step 9: Unmold and cut the soap

When the soap is completely hardened, remove it from the molds and cut it into smaller pieces, if desired.

Allow the soap pieces to cure on a ventilated shelf for a few more weeks before using them.


Following this tutorial, you can make your own soap at home in a completely sustainable way.

Remember to always take safety precautions when handling lye and follow the directions in your chosen recipe.

Enjoy the creative process of making your own soap and enjoy an ecological and personalized product!

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