What is Legal Amazon?

Brazil has most of the Amazon biome, which spans nine countries in South America.

The Brazilian government created a geographic section called the Legal Amazon in the 1950s, to define its environmental and political importance.

But after all, do you know what the cool Amazon is? Do you know why it was created? Or does it present knowledge about its fundamental role in the country and in the world?

We will explore in detail what the Legal Amazon is, the reason for its creation and its fundamental role in the country and in the world. So if you're looking for answers to your questions about this crucial topic, read on. Check it out!

What is Legal Amazon?

The Legal Amazon is a territorial division of Brazil created by Law nº 1806 of 1953, to establish criteria for the economic and social development of the Amazon region.

This division covers an extensive area comprising most of the Amazon Forest and also areas of other biomes present in the region, corresponding to approximately 59% of the Brazilian territory.

In addition, around 56% of the Brazilian indigenous population resides in this region, which further highlights its cultural and environmental relevance for the country.

The states that are part of the Legal Amazon are:

1. Acre
2. Amapá
3. Amazon
4. Para
5. Rondonia
6. Roraima
7. Tocantins
8. Maranhão
9. Mato Grosso
10. The western part of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul

In addition to these states, the Legal Amazon also includes part of the state of Goiás, the state of Piauí and the state of Tocantins.

It is important to highlight that the Legal Amazon covers an area of ​​great environmental importance, with a rich biodiversity and a fundamental role in climate regulation and preservation of the country's natural resources.

Therefore, the protection and conservation of this region are topics of great importance for Brazil and the world.

Why was it created?

The law came about to better plan and execute economic projects in the delimited region, following the determination of the Federal Constitution of 1988 to create the Plan for the Economic Valorization of the Amazon.

The objective was to find efficient solutions to the political, economic and social problems that affect regions with similar difficulties.

Currently, one of the main goals is the sustainable development of the states in the region.

The law allows the adoption of measures, services or enterprises that facilitate local extractive, agricultural, mineral and industrial activities.

Performing necessary works is also permitted by law.

Its importance

The Legal Amazon is of enormous importance, both for Brazil and for the world, due to the following reasons:


An impressive variety of species of plants, animals and microorganisms make up one of the greatest biodiversity on the planet in the region.

It is therefore essential to preserve this ecosystem in order to maintain genetic diversity and, consequently, discover new species.

Therefore, these species could play a key role for science and medicine.

2.Natural Resources:

Natural resources, such as wood, minerals, fresh water and fishing resources, enrich the Legal Amazon.

The region and the country as a whole need to exploit these resources sustainably for economic development.

3.Climate Regulation:

The Amazon rainforest crucially regulates the global climate. It absorbs a significant amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, acting as a large carbon sink.

Thus, it contributes to mitigating climate change.

4.Hydrological Cycle:

The Legal Amazon generates rain that supplies not only the region itself, but also other parts of Brazil and neighboring countries.

Its hydrological system maintains soil and river moisture, ensuring the supply of water for populations and agriculture.

5.Culture and Society:

Diverse indigenous communities and traditional populations live in the region with unique cultures and traditional ways of life.

Cultural diversity and respect for human rights depend on preserving their lands and cultures. It is therefore essential to protect these peoples and their territories.

6.Tourism and Scientific Research:

Tourists from all over the world visit the Legal Amazon to explore its rich biodiversity and lush landscapes.

In addition to being a tourist destination, the region is also home to an important center for scientific research.

In this center, several researchers carry out studies to better understand the forest and its ecosystems.


In summary, the Legal Amazon is an extensive area in Brazil, covering a large part of the Amazon Forest and other biomes. It is inhabited by a significant part of the Brazilian indigenous population

Its importance lies in biodiversity, natural resources, climate regulation, hydrological cycle, culture and scientific research.

However, it faces challenges regarding conservation, sustainable development and indigenous land rights.

In this sense, it is essential to protect the region to guarantee a balanced future for the planet.

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