Even before answering them, it is extremely important that you understand that the Amazon Rainforest is going through a series of situations that put it at risk.
Like the subject so far? Read on! In addition to addressing the most common questions about the Amazon Rainforest, we will also provide supporting data. So let’s go!
Amazon in 2021
During 2021, the Amazon faced a worrying situation of deforestation, with a considerable increase in destruction rates compared to previous years.
Deforestation in the region reached 10,476 km² between August 2020 and July 2021, an increase of more than 40% compared to the previous period.
This alarming increase in deforestation rates has raised concerns at national and international levels about the preservation of the world’s largest rainforest.
In addition, the Amazon is a vital ecosystem with significant impacts on biodiversity, the global climate balance, and the livelihoods of indigenous peoples and local communities that directly depend on the forest.
Deforestation in the Amazon has a drop in 2023
In January 2023, the Amazon recorded deforestation of 167 km², showing a drop of 61% compared to the same period, when the deforested area was 430 km².
This decline is considered a positive sign, however, experts advise caution, as part of the reduction may be related to cloud cover that affects the satellite images used by the DETER system.
The information is disclosed in a context of prioritizing environmental protection at the federal level, with the creation of the national plan to control deforestation in Brazilian biomes and discussions on the possible contribution of countries such as:
- France,
- European Union,
- UK and US for the Amazon Fund, paralyzed since 2019.
The drop in deforestation is an important step, however, experts emphasize the urgency of restructuring the Action Plans for the Prevention and Control of Deforestation and Fires.
And the importance of Brazil resuming its environmental leadership role on the international stage.
With regard to the location of deforestation, the states of Mato Grosso, Pará and Roraima were the most affected, representing 79% of the total destruction in the Legal Amazon in January 2023.
Among the municipalities, Porto dos Gaúchos, Querência and Tabaporã, located in Mato Grosso, stood out with a deforested area of 33 km².
Factors that put the Amazon at risk
The main causes of deforestation and fires in the Amazon are multifactorial and involve a combination of human pressures and economic activities. Some of the main causes are:
1. Agricultural expansion and burning to clear land:
The demand for land destined for cattle raising and the cultivation of agricultural products, such as soy and palm oil, emerges as one of the main causes of deforestation in the region.
This deforestation aims to make room for the expansion of pastures and agricultural fields.
Additionally, burning is often used to clear deforested areas and prepare them for agricultural activities.
However, these uncontrolled practices have the potential to spread quickly, turning into major wildfires.
2.Illegal logging:
Illegal logging in the Amazon represents another significant cause of deforestation.
Illegal loggers enter protected areas and indigenous reserves to exploit valuable timber, ignoring sustainable forest management practices.
This worrying situation of illegal invasions puts the preservation of the forest at risk, resulting in irreversible environmental damage.
It is essential to combat this illegal activity and seek effective measures to protect this important ecosystem.
Mineral exploration, including the extraction of gold and other minerals, contributes significantly to deforestation.
In addition, illegal mining often takes place in protected areas, causing significant damage to the ecosystem.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that different regions of the Amazon face a varied combination of social, economic and environmental factors that drive deforestation.
Facing this challenge requires a joint effort with effective government policies, environmental protection actions.
Promotion of sustainable practices and awareness of the importance of Amazon conservation for the health of the planet.
Final considerations
In summary, the Amazon faced a worrying increase in deforestation in 2021, raising questions about the preservation of this important ecosystem.
However, in January 2023, there was a 61% drop in deforestation from the previous year, bringing some hope.
The main causes of deforestation and fires in the Amazon include agricultural expansion, illegal logging and mining.
As such, it is Brazil’s duty as an environmental leader on the international stage to ensure the conservation of this valuable natural heritage.