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Know which items of your garbage can be recycled after use - Decrease the garbage that goes to landfills

Recycling has become increasingly important in the fight against pollution and environmental degradation. Often, we are not aware of the items that can be recycled and end up discarding them inappropriately, contributing to the accumulation of garbage in landfills. In this article,... Continue reading

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Teach your children to be sustainable - Tips to get them interested in nature

Teaching children about the importance of sustainability and caring for nature is essential to ensure a more conscious and responsible future. When children learn from an early age about the importance of preserving the environment, they become more aware and engaged... Continue reading

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How to make your own soap at home in a totally sustainable way

Today, concerns about the environment and sustainability are increasingly present in people's lives. One way to contribute to a more sustainable world is to produce our own cleaning products, such as soap at home. In addition to being a more cost-effective option,... Continue reading

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How to dispose of e-waste?

In today's world, technology evolves at a rapid and constant pace, and with that evolution comes an increasing amount of electronic waste.E-waste, also known as e-waste, refers to electronic devices that are no longer useful, are broken, or have become... Continue reading

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How to dispose of oil?

One thing we all know is that disposing of oil correctly is essential to protect the environment and prevent damage to public health, but after all, how to dispose of it correctly? p>Well, contrary to what many people think, throwing... Continue reading

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How to dispose of glass?

Disposing of glass correctly is one of the most important actions to prevent damage to the environment and protect professionals who work in waste collection. Contrary to what many people think, glass disposal is not just about putting it in the... Continue reading

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How do I dispose of expired medications?

The correct disposal of medicines in general is extremely important, especially when we are talking about expired medicines.In addition to causing damage to the environment, they are also responsible for causing damage to public health.It is essential to understand the... Continue reading

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